
The best home builder is one you trust and understands you

19 January 2021

When you decide to build a home, there’s one thing you simply have to get right – choosing a builder. Finding a builder you like and trust, and who understands your vision can make all the difference. It can be time-consuming doing due-diligence, but it’s time well-spent, as it’s probably the biggest financial investment you’ll ever make. Here are some important factors to consider before you make a decision, to ensure you choose a builder you can trust and who understands you.

Do your research & ask questions

Research local builders and compile a list of factors that are important to you. This could include things like; building materials, design, and energy efficiency so that you have a checklist to help you narrow down suitable builders.

Make sure they are licensed with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC). Do your own search using their QBCC Licensee number, it’ll be on their website. Whilst there check their record by looking at their full history. If you’d like to look at our record the Hallmark Homes QBCC number is 23846.

Your nearest display centre is a good indication of what builders are in your area

Most builders have specific areas where they build, and their pricing will be most competitive in these locations, so it’s smart to choose a builder that’s based locally. Asking a builder to work where they’re not comfortable can cause problems like extra costs and possible delays. They may even add a contingency in case they need it, so choose a company that’s well-represented in the area you want to live in.

Shared vision

You probably have some pretty definite thoughts on the style of home you’d like to build, so it’s important to find a builder whose skills and aesthetic match your vision. Most builders display their home designs on their websites, so look for houses that are similar to what you want. For example, if you’d like to build a contemporary home, don’t choose a builder who specialises in colonial-style homes, and vice versa.

Reputation, references & reviews

Some people like the ‘perceived’ security of a well-known name, with the volume of homes influencing their choice. Some of the most helpful information you can get comes from talking to past customers. A reputable builder will have no problem with you talking to their clients and should be able to give you a selection of genuine references. As mentioned earlier, most building companies will also have reviews on Google and social media, which can provide valuable insights. And remember, if in doubt, ask more questions.

Price & budget

There’s no point asking for quotes first up, because some of the builders may not be right for you. So do your research, narrow the field, and then start asking for prices. There are builders for first-time buyer homes, mid-range project homes and top-end custom designs. So choose the one that best suits your needs. Then get a quote from each of them and compare. Look carefully at the inclusions and exclusions, check which costs are fixed and which are estimates, as provisional sums can end up costing more down the track. And remember, cheaper isn’t necessarily better. If one quote is much lower than the others, go through it with a fine-tooth comb. It doesn’t hurt to check or ask more questions.

Good working relationship

The relationship you have with your builder is critical, as you’ll be dealing with them for months. So take note of how they communicate with you during the enquiry stage. Make sure the builder and their team are positive, friendly and have great communication skills. Above all, it’s vital to choose a builder who will deliver what you want, for the price you want, with the level of service you deserve.

Timing is everything

Anyone who’s had a house built knows that it’s not uncommon for the project to take longer than expected. So getting the most accurate timeframe possible should be a key factor in determining who gets the job. You need to know how long they anticipate the project will take, as well as when they’ll be able to start, as every delay will cost you money. Holding costs can add tens of thousands of dollars to the final cost, so don’t be caught out.

Financial stability

You may have secured a great price, but that’s cold comfort if the builder isn’t around anymore! Do they pay their suppliers on time? Do they have any debt? Do they have a good reputation in the industry? These things don’t guarantee performance, but financial strength is definitely an important factor when choosing a builder you can trust.

Hallmark Homes has been building trust for over 40 years

Nothing beats experience, and when it comes to building homes in South East Queensland, Hallmark have got you covered. With decades of local building knowledge and experience, we can provide expert advice on the best orientation for your new home. Recognised as one of South East Queensland’s most trusted builders, we truly understand the way we live here – and our unique range of contemporary home designs reflects this.

So, if you’re thinking of building a new home in South-East Queensland, our friendly team is ready to help. Come and visit one of our display centres for yourself or check out our virtual tours and house plans from the comfort of your own home. If you have any questions about our single storey, double storey, acreage, narrow lot home designshouse and land packages, or how you can take advantage of the government grants on offer, please contact us today.

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